Monday, June 18, 2012

Captain Janeway - A Powerful Female Role Model

OK, I admit it. I am an unrepentant nerd of the middle aged female variety. Yes, we exist, and we may even have something to tell the rest of you mainstream folks.

What Can Science Fiction Tell You? 

Even if you would never admit to watching a Star Trek episode, you may have to admit that Captain Janeway of Voyager does give us all something to look forward too. In Being Captain Janeway, the author presents us with an image of a role model of a strong and able, post-feminist leader.

At its best, science fiction has always contained commentaries on present day society. It may contain fears about the future, or sometimes, it may contain a vision for the future.

Here's to the little bit of Catherine Janeway in all of us. :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tips For Over 50 Home Buyers

Older Home Buyers 

If you are buying a home over age 50, you may be able to do things differently than younger home buyers can. The real estate tips do not just apply to older home purchasers, but may just be things that older people can get done.

Can You Write A Check? 

Older folks may have the cash to pay for a home in cash. This may be particularly true if they can sell their other house before buying the new one. There are a lot of advantages to this strategy, and you do not always have to tie up your money for a long time! Learn more about how this can work out for you:

Being able to pay cash can help you speed up the process of purchasing a house. Most sellers and agents are eager to help purchasers who can write a check!

Do You Have Credit Problems? 

If you need a mortgage, but have credit problems, it can be tough to get approved these days. On the other hand, you may be able to work out an actual business deal with friends or family who do have cash. You can make a very business like deal with personal lending websites that help people arrange these types of mortgage deals. 

Good luck with your next home purchase!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Generate Income From Your House

If you are trying to reduce your expenses as much as possible, but still stay in your house, one solution may be to find good ways to generate income from your house. Yes, you can still live in your house, but you can find ways to leverage unused areas to help increase your income. This may be good news for people who are trying to retire or just deal with a lower income.

How Can Your House Make You Money? 

If you have a fairly large home that you purchased when kids lived at home, you probably have some unused space. Instead of paying to simply heat and cool unused rooms, why not make them useful for other folks. House sharing has become more popular with retired people lately. In return for the use of an extra bedroom, and some kitchen privileges, you can collect some rent.

If you do not want to give up your privacy, you may simply open your house to part-time renters who need temporary lodging or to people who simply need to store things. Storage space is expensive in some areas, and you may as well profit.

Finding some reasonable ways to get your home to work for you may mean you do not have to downsize to an apartment just yet.